

1. Resignation: (n) when someone tells their employer that they are leaving their jobv

2. Embezzle: (v) to secretly take money that is in your care or that belongs to an organization or business you work for

3. Unforeseen: (adj) not expected

4. Mortally: (adv) so severe that death is likely; extremely

5. Façade: (n) the front of a building, especially a large or attractive building

6. Drape: (v) be drape in/with: to be loosely covered with a cloth

7. Mezzo-soprano: (n) a voice or musical part lower than soprano but higher than contralto, or a singer with this type of voice

8. Splendor: (n) great beauty which attracts admiration and attention

9. Colonnade: (adj) a row of columns separated from each other by an equal distance

10. Steady: (v) to make something stop shaking or moving; to become calm and controlled, or to make someone do this

11. czarist: (adj) 專制的

12. resonant: (adj) clear and loud, or causing sounds to be clear and loud

13. auditorium: (n) the part of a theatre, or similar building, where the people who are watching and listening sit; a large public building such as a theatre

14. ornate: (adj) having a lot of complicated decoration

15. tapestry: (n) a piece of cloth whose pattern or picture is created by sewing or weaving different coloured threads onto a special type of strong cloth

16. painstakingly: (adv) in a way that shows you have taken a lot of care or made a lot of effort

17. spruce: (n) an evergreen (= never losing its leaves) tree with leaves like needles, or the wood from this tree which is a pale colour

18. restoration: (n) the act or process of returning something to its earlier good condition or position

19. scavenger: (n) a bird or animal which feeds on dead animals which it has not killed itself; a description of possible actions or events in the future

20. duplicate: (v) to make an exact copy of something (adj) being an exact copy of something

21. tile: (v) to cover a wall or floor with tiles

22. swatch: (n) a small piece of cloth used as an example of the colour and type of the cloth

23. upholstery: (n) the cloth used for covering a seat and/or the substance used for filling it; the activity of upholstering objects

24. weave: (v) make cloth by repeatedly crossing a single thread through two sets of long threads on a loom (= special frame); to twist long objects together, or to make something by doing this

25. acoustic: (adj) relating to sound or hearing; describes a musical instrument that is not made louder by electrical equipment

26. fidelity: (n) honest or lasting support, or loyalty, especially to a sexual partner

27. monstrously: (adv) in a very bad or cruel way

28. catastrophe: (n) a sudden event that causes very great trouble or destruction

29. madhouse: (n) a place where there is no order and control

30. directive: (adj) an official instruction

31. column: (n) one of several vertical blocks of print into which a page of a newspaper or magazine is divided

32. mar: (v) to spoil something, making it less perfect or less enjoyable

33. deteriorate: (v) to become worse

34. prosecutor: (n) a legal representative who officially accuses someone of committing a crime, especially in a court of law

35. barring: (prep) except or unless a particular thing happens

36. mishap: (n) bad luck, or an unlucky event or accident


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