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1. palm

2. palmistry

3. palm-reading

4. criss-cross

5. accordingly                      於是

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1. stall

2. stallholder

3. one of a kind = unique  = originality

4. deal in sth. 

5. merchandise (不可數) = commodity (可數) = goods

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Boon: (n) something that is very helpful and improves the quality of life

Tumult: (n) a loud noise, especially that produced by an excited crowd, or a state of confusion, change or uncertainty

Gesticulate: (v) to make movements with your hands or arms, to express something or to emphasize what you are saying

Agony: (n) extreme physical or mental pain or suffering

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1 Calamity: (n) a serious accident or bad event causing damage or suffering

2 Moviegoer: (n) a person who regularly goes to watch films at the cinema

3 Persistent: (adj) lasting for a long time or difficult to get rid of; Someone who is persistent continues doing something or tries to do something in a determined but often unreasonable way

4 Contagion: (n) when a disease is spread by touching someone or something

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1. Resignation: (n) when someone tells their employer that they are leaving their jobv

2. Embezzle: (v) to secretly take money that is in your care or that belongs to an organization or business you work for

3. Unforeseen: (adj) not expected

4. Mortally: (adv) so severe that death is likely; extremely

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1. Canal: (n) a long thin stretch of water which is artificially made either for boats to travel along or for taking water from one area to another

2. Enclave: (n) a part of a country that is surrounded by another country, or a group of people who are different from the people living in the surrounding area

3. Spawn: (v) to cause something new, or many new things, to grow or start suddenly

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1. Clog: (v) to (cause something to) become blocked or filled so that movement or activity is difficult

2. Dashboard: (n) the part of a car which contains some of the controls used for driving and the devices for measuring speed and distance

3. Resolve: (v) to make a decision formally or with determination

4. Outfit: (v) to provide someone or something with equipment or clothes

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1. Daredevil: (n) a person who does dangerous things and takes risks

2. Plunge: (v) to (cause someone or something to) move or fall suddenly and often a long way forward, down or into something

3. Chasm: (n) a very deep narrow opening in rock, ice or the ground

4. Veil: (n) a piece of thin material worn by women to cover the face or head

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1. Eclectic: (adj) Methods, beliefs, ideas, etc. that are eclectic combine whatever seem the best or most useful things from many different areas or systems, rather than following a single system

2.Tuck: (v) tidy, store safely, body, hidden

3. Eccentricity: (n) the state of being eccentric; an eccentric action

4. Mediocre: (adj) not very good

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1. Trigger: (v) an event or situation, etc. that causes something bad to start

2. Rebellion: (n) violent action organized by a group of people who are trying to change the political system in their country ; action against those in authority or against the rules or against normal and accepted ways of behaving

3. Autocrat: (n) a ruler with unlimited power, or someone who demands that people totally obey them

4. Crony: (n) a friend, or a person who works for someone in authority, especially one who is willing to give and receive dishonest help

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1. Inaugurate: (v) to mark the beginning of a new period, style or activity

2. Boondoggle: (n) an unnecessary and expensive piece of work, especially one which is paid for by the public

3. Proceedings: (plural noun) a series of events that happen in a planned and controlled way

4. Sovereign: (n) a king or queen, or the person with the highest power in a country; having the highest power or being completely independent

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1. handcuff: (n) two metal rings joined by a short chain which lock around a prisoner's wrists; (v) to put handcuffs on someone

2. satire: (n) a way of criticizing people or ideas in a humorous way, or a piece of writing or play which uses this style

    satirical: (adj)

3. liability: (n) when you are legally responsible for something ; debts.

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1. millennium: (n) a period of 1000 years

2. franchise: (n) a right to sell a company's products in a particular area using the company's name ; the right to vote in an election, especially for representatives in a parliament or similar law-making organization  ((看了中文及英文解釋還是不懂為何此字出現在文中的用意,看來要問一下外國人))

3. simian: (adj) (of or like) a monkey

4. adaptation: (n) a film, book, play, etc that has been made from another film, book, play, etc. ((常見的意思是"適應",此為"改編"))

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heady: (adj) having a powerful effect, making you feel slightly drunk or excited

prospects: (n) the possibility of being successful, especially at work; the idea of something that will or might happen in the future

subsidiary: (n) a company which is owned by a larger company

contractual: (adj) relating to or contained within a contract (= legal agreement)

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1. Starlet: (n) a young actress who hopes to be or is thought likely to be famous in the future 

2. Squelch: (v) to quickly end something that is causing you problems

3. Atypical: (adj) not typical; different from all the others of its type

4. Extravaganza: (n) a large, exciting and expensive event or entertainment

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1. deem: (v) to consider or judge

2. wander: (v) to walk around slowly in a relaxed way or without any clear purpose or direction

3. master: (v) to learn to control an emotion or feeling

4. permanent: (adj) lasting for a long time or forever

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1. Alienation: (n) the feeling that you have no connection with the people around you

2. Iteration: (n) the process of doing something again and again, usually to improve it, or one of the times you do it

3. Fuse: (v) to join or become combined (join); to (cause to) melt (together) especially at a high temperature

4. Topography: (n) the physical appearance of the natural features of an area of land, especially the shape of its surface

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1. Balk: (v) to be unwilling to do something or let something happen 

2. Grid: (n) a pattern or structure made from horizontal and vertical lines crossing each other to form squares

3. Utility: (n) a service which is used by the public, such as an electricity or gas supply or a train service

4. Deliberately: (adv) intentionally, slowly and carefully

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Bastion: (n)

  1. something which keeps or defends especially a belief or a way of life that is disappearing or threatened
  2. a part of the wall of a castle that sticks out from it in order to protect it


sanitize: (v) to make something completely clean and free from bacteria


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1. Migrate: (v) When an animal migrates, it travels to a different place, usually when the season changes

migratory (adj)

2. Monarch: (n) a king or queen

3. Peril: (n) great danger, or something that is very dangerous

4. Mar: (v) to spoil something, making it less perfect or less enjoyable

5. Milkweed: 乳草

6. Genetic: (adj) belonging or relating to genes (= parts of the DNA in cells) received by each animal or plant from its parents

genetically (adv)

7. Herbicide: (n) a chemical which is used to destroy plants, especially weeds.


8. Round-up: (n) a bringing together of people, animals, things, etc.


9. Eradicate: (v) to get rid of completely or destroy something bad

10. Imperil: (v) to put something or someone at risk or in danger of being harmed or destroyed

11. Spectacular: (adj) very exciting to look at

12. Larva: (n) a form of an insect or an animal such as a frog that has left its egg but is not yet completely developed (中文:幼蟲)

    ※    Larvae: 複數   larval (adj)

13. Preliminary: (adj) coming before a more important action or event, especially introducing or preparing for it

14. Dispute: (n) an argument or disagreement, especially an official one between, for example, workers and employers or two countries with a common border

15. Deprive: (v) to take something, especially something necessary or pleasant, away from someone

16. Habitat: (n) the natural environment in which an animal or plant usually lives

17. Virtually: (adv) almost

18. Conservation: (n) the protection of plants and animals, natural areas, and interesting and important structures and buildings, especially from the damaging effects of human activity

19. Proxy: (n) authority given to a person to act for someone else, such as by voting for them in an election, or the person who this authority is given to

20. Attribute: (v) a quality or characteristic that someone or something has

    ※    Attribute sth to sb/sth : to say or think that something is the result or work of something or someone else

21. Impetus: (n) something which encourages a particular activity or makes that activity more energetic or effective

22. Sustainable: (adj) ((中文: 能保持在一定水平的))

      1.      able to continue over a period of time

      2.      causing little or no damage to the environment and therefore able to continue for a long time

23. census: (n) a count for official purposes, especially one to count the number of people living in a country and to collect information about them

24. recoup: (v) to get back money that you have spent or lost

25. bacterial: (adj) caused by, made from, or relating to bacteria ((中文:細菌的;細菌引起的))

26. withstand: (v) to bear or not be changed by something, or to oppose a person or thing successfully

27. generic: (adj)

      1.      shared by, typical of or relating to a whole group of similar things, rather than to any particular thing

      2.      generic drugs or other products do not have a brand name or trademark, therefore any company can manufacture them

28. equivalent: (adj) having the same amount, value, purpose, qualities, etc

29. emerge: (v) to appear by coming out of something or out from behind something

30. biodiversity: (n) the number and types of plant and animal species that exist in a particular environmental area or in the world generally, or the problem of protecting this ((bio- :字根意思為生命相關))

31. sheer: (adj) used to emphasize how very great, important or powerful a quality or feeling is; nothing except

32. hatch: (v) to (cause an egg to) break in order to allow a young animal to come out

33. implore: (v) to ask someone to do or not do something in a very sincere, emotional and determined way

    biotechnology company: 生技公司

    ecologist: 生態學家  ((eco- 字根為生態”)

    biology: 生物學 ;  biologist:生物學家

    entomologist: 昆蟲學家

    Armageddon: 世界末日(國際間的)大決戰

glyphosate: is a broad-spectrum systemic herbicide used to kill weeds, especially annual broadleaf weeds and grasses known to compete with crops grown widely across the Midwest of the United States. ((中文: 嘉磷塞, 作用:除草劑。))


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