

Bastion: (n)

  1. something which keeps or defends especially a belief or a way of life that is disappearing or threatened
  2. a part of the wall of a castle that sticks out from it in order to protect it


sanitize: (v) to make something completely clean and free from bacteria


chaotic: (adj) in a state of chaos


centralized: (v) to remove authority in a system, company, country, etc. from local places to one central place so that the whole system, etc. is under central control


glittering: (adj) exciting or admired by many people, usually relating to rich and famous people


authentic: (adj) If something is authentic, it is real, true, or what people say it is


spontaneity: (n) 自發性

    spontaneous: (adj) happening or done in a natural, often sudden way, without any planning or without being forced


bypass: (v)

  1. to avoid something by going around it
  2. to ignore a rule or official authority


patronage: (v)

  1. the support given to an organization by someone
  2. the power of a person to give someone an important job or position


back street: the older and poorer areas of a town or city


entitle: (v) to give someone the right to do or have something


controversial: (adj) causing disagreement or discussion



  1. a punishment, or the usual punishment, for doing something that is against a law
  2. a type of punishment, often involving paying money, that is given to you if you break an agreement or do not follow rules


prosecution: (n) the lawyers in a trial who try to prove that a person accused of committing a crime is guilty of that crime


anchor: (n)

  1. a heavy metal object, usually shaped like a cross with curved arms, on a strong rope or chain, which is dropped from a boat into the water to prevent the boat from moving away (boat)
  2. someone or something that gives support when needed (support)

anchor: (v)

  1. to lower an anchor into the water in order to stop a boat from moving away
  2. to make something or someone stay in one position by fastening them firmly


bustling: (adj) If a place is bustling, it is full of busy activity


adorn: (v) to add something decorative to a person or thing

    unadorned: (adj) 未經裝飾的


avant-garde: (adj) describes creative ideas, styles and methods that are very original or modern in comparison to the period in which they happen; belonging or relating to the avant-garde



realm: an area of interest or activity


striking: (adj) very unusual or easily noticed, and therefore attracting a lot of attention

    strike out: 創新;出擊;刪去


accordion: (n) a box-shaped musical instrument, held in the hands, consisting of a folded central part with a keyboard at each end, which is played by pushing the two ends towards each other ((手風琴))


vintage: (adj) of high quality and lasting value, or showing the best and most typical characteristics of a particular type of thing, especially from the past


playwrights: a person who writes plays

batik: (n) a method of printing patterns on cloth, in which wax is put on the cloth before it is put in the dye (= substance for changing the colour of cloth) or the cloth itself  ((中文: 蠟染色法))


couture: (n) the designing, making and selling of expensive fashionable clothing, or the clothes themselves


vibrant: (adj) energetic, exciting and full of enthusiasm ; describes color or light that is bright and strong


enclave: (n) a part of a country that is surrounded by another country, or a group of people who are different from the people living in the surrounding area ((指在本國境內的隸屬另一國的一塊領土))


shophouse: A shophouse is a vernacular architectural building type that is commonly seen in areas such as urban Southeast Asia.


frenzy: (n) (an example of) uncontrolled and excited behaviour or emotion, which is sometimes violent


don: (v) to put on a piece of clothing


bustier: (n) 婦女緊身上衣(泛指內衣或睡衣)

    Corset - 西方古式馬甲 (婦女用的束腹,緊身褡)
bodice - 女用緊身馬甲(穿在上衣外、胸前紮帶的)

polka: a fast active dance that was popular in the 19th century, or a piece of music that can be used for this dance ((女用緊身短上衣))

    Polka-dot: one of a large number of small round spots that are printed in a regular pattern on cloth





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